It’s Time to Write Your Story.

Writing and Editing Services

I help businesses and individuals create impactful, story driven content with an engaging message and a clear voice.

I write and edit all forms of copy, books, op-eds, blogs, white papers, articles, press releases, program guides, emails, speeches, podcast scripting, social media posts, and other materials. 

My past clients include Shape, Better Homes & Gardens, Self, Real Simple, Fit Pregnancy, Parents, Bustle, Quality Health, Huffington Post, the Oregonian, Whole Foods Markets,, Every Mother Counts, the World Bank, and more. 

 Contact me for pricing.


I work with writers every step of the way from “I have a great idea” to “I’ve been published.” I’ve coached dozens of authors to complete their manuscripts, write book proposals, find agents, and get published. I can help you too. 

Maybe a book isn’t your goal, but you want to write a blog, content for your website, an article, essay, or love-letters.

Let’s work together!

Group and Corporate writing workshops

I help groups and businesses to improve their writing skills, juice-up their story-telling, create better content, and enjoy creative team-building events through full and half-day workshops. Each workshop is tailored to meet my client’s goals and lead “their writers” through a combination of prompts, storytelling, education, and skill-building. You choose whether we work in-person or online!

Here’s what I’m offering in 2025:

  • Writing Fundamentals - Help your writers to identify goals, understand readers, and create clear messages, outlines, calls to action, and documents that influence across various mediums. 5-to-6-hour workshop.

  • Writing Clear Messages - Take the fundamentals further to sharpen your writers’ abilities to write, edit and repurpose copy, stories, and calls to action for newsletters, marketing, speeches, blogs, articles, posts, and social media, etc.  5-to-6-hour workshop.

  • Writing for Advocacy - Clear writing can change policies in your community, city, state or country. Learn advocacy basics and how to craft influential mission statements, calls to action, talking points, advocacy materials, op-eds, speeches, articles and more. 5-to-6-hour workshop.

  • Editing Essentials - Help your writers understand why a first draft is never the final product; the difference between self-editing and editing; how to edit in your brand’s voice, and how to edit others respectfully.  5-to-6-hour workshop.

  • Storytelling Workshops – each last approx. 2 hours and can be taken alone or as a series.

    • Writing Your Customer’s Story - Understanding your customers’ stories are essential for your business’s success. Knowing your customer lets you customize content that resonates. Your writers will create character sketches, customer stories, and  brand content. 

    •  Writing Your Vendor’s Story - The people who create, produce, and deliver your services and products have their own stories. Writing them enriches your content, marketing, and vendor relationships. Your writers will learn interview tips and to write stories that go beyond their “about me” pages.

    •  Writing Your Coworker’s Story - Understanding your coworkers’ stories, lives, values, and goals are basic ingredients for great storytelling, strong relationships, better workdays, and personalized copy and content. Your writers will learn to ask the right questions; listen effectively; share their own stories; and use stories in copy and content.  

    • Writing Your Story - Writing your story sparks inspiration, introspection, vulnerability, and creativity. Writers learn to choose their topic, create a story-map, outline and writing schedule, the power of a messy first draft, and self-editing skills. 

    •   Writing for your Soul - Your mind and body do most of the talking, but your soul has something it wants to tell you.  Writers tap into that message through prompts, journaling, and writing their own prayers, affirmations, and creative and spiritual goals. 


Throughout history, publishers have been gatekeepers who decided which writers got publish, which ideas people could read, and what knowledge went out in the world. We were told that it was impossible to get published unless you were among the elite. But then the internet happened and it’s a whole new world.  Now readers are exposed to thoughts, feelings, stories, and knowledge from every corner of the globe.  Of course, it’s messy, but it’s also amazing and we are learning so much about each other.  This is how we change the world and why publishers have opened the gates to include a more diverse range of writers.

— Jeanne Faulkner